APP development

A user-friendly and quick app that knows how to realise your goals? Our team of experts will turn your needs and desires into a customised solution. But we will never lose sight of accessibility and availability for the end-user.

The end result? An app that will amaze you and your users and meet, and even exceed, expectations. Get ready for app-mazing possibilities with CodeCapital!


BEFRAKO is exclusief verdeler voor Belgie, Nederland en Luxemburg van de gerenommeerde naaimachine merken Singer, Pfaff & Husqvarna-Viking. Het bedrijf bestaat sinds 1998 en is de voorbije jaren uitgegroeid tot een sterke en betrouwbare partner in de volledige distributie van de Benelux.

CodeCapital maakte voor Cavallo Workwear een volledig op maat gemaakte webshop. De producten en klanten worden beheerd in een extern CRM-pakket. Via een API-koppeling wordt alle informatie in onze webshop getoond.

De leden van Bicap zijn kinesitherapeuten die zich gespecialiseerd hebben in het begeleiden van zwangere vrouwen en personen – zowel mannen, vrouwen als kinderen – met bekkenbodemproblemen.

Want to have an application built?
Find out how CodeCapital can help.


At CodeCapital, we understand the value of speed, expertise and the price/quality ratio. With our rapid start-up times and a huge pool of developers, we can successfully tackle even the most complex projects. Make sure you have a team that not only helps you quickly but that also focuses on the project from start to finish and completes it successfully. Complete peace of mind.

  1. Evaluation of requirements and possible preliminary study where necessary On the basis of a conversation and possible preliminary study, we clearly set out your company’s needs. This crystallises precisely which processes we must and are able to prioritise.
  2. Proposal drafted with clear requirements Are the requirements sufficiently clear? Then we will draft a proposal to provide a complete overview of costs, so you don’t have to face any unpleasant surprises.
  3. Approval of quote and definition of project milestones Together, we will discuss and define the most important moments in the project; these will be evaluated after completion.
  4. Implementation of the project – from wireframes to delivery Everything clear? Then we will begin the implementation of the project. From wireframes and development to testing and delivery. We will take care of everything.
  5. Maintenance of the constructed application, including guarantee period After delivery of the project, we will continue to provide support. We will take care of the maintenance of your application and offer a standard guarantee period of 6 months.